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Friday 29 April 2016

The first known death in the US to the Zika virus has been recorded in Puerto Rico, say health officials.
      A 70-year-old man infected with the mosquito-borne virus died in February, Puerto Rico's health secretary said.The US territory has recorded more than 600 Zika cases, with 73 of those involving pregnant women.Zika has been linked to severe birth defects, especially in Latin America, such as babies being born with under-developed brains.Health secretary Ana Rius said all 14 pregnant women infected with Zika who have given birth have healthy babies.Seventeen people on the island have been in hospital, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said.Five are thought to have developed a temporary paralysis condition knownas Guillain-Barre because of Zika, although that link is unproven."The patient died of complications related to severe thrombocytopenia," the CDC said."Although Zika virus-associated deaths are rare, the first identified death in Puerto Rico highlights the possibility of severe cases, as well as the need for continued outreach to raise health care providers' awareness of complications that might lead to severe disease or death."
 Mosquito in lab in Puerto Rico

South Africa's President Zuma should face corruption charges over a 1999 arms deal, the High Court has ruled.
      The charges were dropped just weeks before the 2009 election which led to Jacob Zuma becoming president.Ruling on the case brought by the opposition Democratic Alliance, the judge said the decision to drop the charges was "irrational".The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) now has to decide if it wants to reinstate the charges.Mr Zuma always denied the allegations which are linked to the government arms deal worth billions of dollars.Last week, a judge-led commission of inquiry found no evidence of corruption or fraud by any government officials at the time."Today is a great victory for the rule of law and ultimately we believe that Jacob Zuma must face prosecution and this judgement certainly affirms the view that we've always held," Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane said after the ruling."I congratulate my colleagues who've worked exceptionally hard on this case; it's been a long battle."
Jacob Zuma - archive shot
A map showing the location of Kenyan capital NairobiA Six-storey building has collapsed in a residential area of the Kenyan capital Nairobi as heavy rain plays havoc across the country.
        At least three people have died, KTN television reported, but others have been pulled from the rubble alive. Rescue workers are digging through wreckage amid what the Red Cross called "chaotic scenes". It is not known how many people are trapped.The rainfall has caused landslides, washed away houses and flooded roads.The pictures showed rescuers lifting rubble with their bare hands. At one point the crowd erupted into cheers when a baby was pulled out alive.According to KTN, more than 50 people have been rescued so far. There has been no independent confirmation of the death toll.
In another county, two boys are missing after going herding, according to the association of red cross.
Earlier on Friday at least three people were killed when a wall collapsed in an area of Nairobi, according to local media.President Uhuru Kenyatta last year ordered an audit of all the buildings in the country after a spate of collapses.The same area of Nairobi saw another collapse early last year, with at least two people killed. Poor construction standards are frequently blamed for such incidents.
Protesters block traffic outside of the California Republican Party ConventionHundreds of protesters have gathered outside of a Republican Party convention in California, temporarily delaying a speech by Donald Trump.
To get to the speech, Secret Service agents lead Mr Trump across a motorway and had him enter through a side door.
          Protesters repeatedly pushed through police barriers and held anti-Trump signs, piƱatas and Trump dolls.The Republican front-runner's rallies have been violent in the past including an incident on Thursday.
A police car had its windows smashed as Mr Trump spoke inside a hall in the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Some 20 arrests were made.The Trump campaign had to cancel several rallies in March after hundreds of protesters threatened to disrupt events in Chicago and St Louis.On Friday, Mr Trump made it to the stage and joked about the protesters, saying "that was not the easiest entrance I ever made."
"I felt like I was crossing the border," he said, and that he walked through "dirt and mud" to get to the building outside of San Francisco.Many of the protesters outside his speech were arguing against his positions on immigration. He has made building a border wall with Mexico which he says Mexico would pay for.He has also referred to Mexicans as "rapists" and criminals responsible for bringing illegal drugs into the US.Mr Trump is extremely unpopular among Latino voters and California has a large Mexican-American population.Protests are expected to continue until the California primary is held on 7 June.
Mr Trump has called himself the Republican "presumptive nominee" after a string of primary wins.
In terms of delegate support, the property tycoon is far ahead of his nearest rivals, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and John Kasich, the governor of Ohio.